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“Unraveling Megalodon: 5 Rare Truths and 5 myths That Redefine Our Understanding of the Ancient Giant”

Megalodon shark in the water In the vast depths of the ocean, a creature that has captured the imagination of people around the world for centuries: the Megalodon. With its immense size and formidable presence, this prehistoric shark continues to fascinate and mystify both scientists and enthusiasts alike. However, amidst the fascination, numerous myths and…

All About a Great White Sharks Liver

The amount of energy stored in a large Great white shark liver could be as much as a 2 million Kcal of energy. What does that mean?  Approximately 2 million kilocalories of energy would be equivalent to 9,302 Snickers candy bars. The Great White Shark, one of the ocean’s most majestic and feared creatures, continues…

Unveiling the Wonders of Shark Skin: Redefining Efficiency and Innovation

Great White Shark at Guadalupe Sharks: Masters of Hydrodynamics Sharks, the ancient rulers of the ocean, possess an awe-inspiring secret—shark skin, a marvel honed by over 400 million years of evolution. Contrary to expectation, the skin of these majestic creatures isn’t rough to the touch; instead, it boasts an ingenious design that has captivated scientists…

How to Identify an Individual Great White Shark. Part 2

There are two different approaches to identifying an individual Great White shark. The first technique discussed in part 1 was by using a Dorsal Fin ID photo, we use this method at the Farallon Islands. Now in part 2 we will be discussing using the pigmentation patterns in 3 different regions of a white shark….


Guadalupe is the best place in the world to Great White Shark cage dive because of it 100% success rate, awesome visibility typically 70-100ft + and warm water. No other Great White Shark destination can say that. Guadalupe shark diving season is July – December While each month has its advantages, there are also drawbacks…

How to Identify an Individual Great White Shark. Part 1

There are two different approaches to identifying an individual Great White shark. Part 1 Part 1 and discussed here is by using a Dorsal Fin ID photo, we use this method at the Farallon Islands. Since 2004 I have been keeping a collection of identifying photos of Great White sharks. I have submitted and offered…